Curly Carrots

by Elizabeth
(N. Wales)

Why do my carrots always curl?

ANSWER: Carrots tend to curl when there is too much clay in the soil composition. They branch, twist, and turn to make their way down through the soil.

It helps to make a separate bed for your carrots, using lots of organic materials such as compost to make the soil softer and easier for them to grow through.

Also, ask your local garden center which varieties are best for the type of soil that you have in your garden.

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Thinning Beets

Should I separate the plants if too many beets are growing in same clump?


Yes, root crops such as beets, carrots, turnips, and onions need to be thinned to allow enough room for each vegetable to develop.

When planting these vegetables from seed, it is difficult to space the seeds accurately when planting.

Usually you will have to go back in a few weeks and thin the seedlings to the proper spacing.

Sometimes you can wait to thin until the beets can be eaten as tiny "baby beets". But if the beets haven't formed, you can at least use the little beet greens.

It can be difficult to succeed at transplanting the thinned root vegetables. Sometimes eating them is the best option!

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Planting Carrots

How deep do you plant carrot seeds?


Carrot seeds should be planted about 1/4" deep. Cover the seeds lightly with a thin layer of soil or peat moss. Don't compress the soil, as it is easier for the seeds to sprout in loose soil.

Keep the carrot seeds and soil moist, but not soaking wet.

The carrot seeds are slow to germinate, so be patient! Depending on soil and air temperatures, it can take two or three weeks for the tiny seedlings to appear.

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Planting Carrot Seeds

by Berdie Muirhead
(Philadelphia, MS USA)

How far apart do I plant carrot seeds in my garden?


Hi Berdie,

Carrot seeds are very small and difficult to plant individually.

If you are planting a row of carrots, sprinkle the seeds as lightly as you can, about 1/4 inch deep.

If you are planting a bed of carrots, sprinkle the carrot seeds lightly over the entire carrot bed. Cover with 1/4 inch of soil, or water them into the soil with a fine mist of water.

Once the carrots begin to grow, thin them to about 2 inches apart.

You can wait to thin the carrot seedlings until they are "baby carrot" size, and add them to a salad or stir fry.

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Can you grow a carrot from an old carrot top?

by Helen

I remember seeing carrot tops lowered into water, leveled by toothpicks, was this only for ornamentation or will it eventually grow into another carrot, if planted?



Hi Helen,

I think this is only for ornamentation. It's fun to watch the carrot top grow on your windowsill.

Carrots should be planted from seed directly in the soil where you want them to grow. They do not transplant well.

We used to grow avocado pits into house plants using the toothpick method! It's also fun to grow a sweet potato in a glass of water using toothpicks as support.

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